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GiGi's Playhouse 5K

The GiGiFIT Acceptance Challenge is a physical and social MOVEment for acceptance! Our goal is to unite 1 million supporters of the Down syndrome community to say "We can and will accept you as you are!"

We are making one simple request to our participants: to get up and MOVE for acceptance! You can walk, run, jump, swim, ride, or play a sport; any type of physical movement can be done to show your support. The best part is anyone can participate! Host your very own event, or attend our 5k, 1 Mile, and Dash event on April 27!

Every attendee will receive a T-shirt and a discounted admission to Zoo Atlanta with their race bib! During the event enjoy a live DJ, bounce houses, concessions by RISE coffee & tea, and an exciting awards ceremony!

Create your team today! Raise funds and share your team's progress to increase awareness and acceptance!

April 27

Zoo Atlanta Run Like Wild 5K

May 11

Kennesaw Grand Prix Race Series: Fit City 5K